Template repository for controlled vocabularies for mobilityDCAT-AP.
Create a repository starting from this template repository. Rename the folders and the repository accordingly to the identifier of the controlled vocabulary. The IRI of the controlled vocabulary is composed using the repository name as https://w3id.org/mobilitydcat-ap/controlled-vocabulary-template. The new repository name should be used to replace controlled-vocabulary-template
in all the places.
The RDF files describing the controlled vocabularies can be defined manually or by modifying the template Excel file controlled-vocabulary-template.xlsx. Documentation on how to create more advanced Excel files can be found here.
Download the tools as discussed below and put the JARs in the tools
folder to automatise their execution through the run.sh
script. A Java installation is required.
: Excel to RDFDownload release JAR from here and rename it as xls2rdf.jar
. You can alternatively use the user interface available at https://skos-play.sparna.fr/play/convert. Documentation for the CLI tool is available here. The run.sh
script was tested with version 2.2.0
: RDF to HTMLDownload release JAR from here and rename it as widoco.jar
. Documentation for the CLI tool is available here. The run.sh
script was tested with version 1.4.19
Execute the sh run.sh x.y.z
script providing as argument the correct version number. The version number should be the same declared in the Excel file.
Git commit and push
tool (link) can be used to generate a hierarchical visualisation of the taxonomy through the following command:
java -jar ./tools/skos-play-cli.jar hierarchical -i ./controlled-vocabulary-template/controlled-vocabulary-template.ttl -o ./controlled-vocabulary-template/hierarchy.html -f html -l en
The generated file should be manually added to or referred from the Widoco documentation.